General & Operations Manager

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This page provides an overview of the General & Operations Manager profession, including typical job responsibilities, required skills, and educational pathways.

Please note that this is not a job posting, but rather an informational guide to help you understand what a career in General & Operations Manager entails

What Does A General & Operations Manager Do

Plan, direct, or coordinate the operations of public or private sector organizations, overseeing multiple departments or locations. Duties and responsibilities include formulating policies, managing daily operations, and planning the use of materials and human resources, but are too diverse and general in nature to be classified in any one functional area of management or administration, such as personnel, purchasing, or administrative services. Usually manage through subordinate supervisors. Excludes First-Line Supervisors.

Other Job Titles

Business Manager, General Manager (GM), Operations Director, Operations Manager, Plant Superintendent, Store Manager

Job Tasks

  • Review financial statements, sales or activity reports, or other performance data to measure productivity or goal achievement or to identify areas needing cost reduction or program improvement.
  • Direct and coordinate activities of businesses or departments concerned with the production, pricing, sales, or distribution of products.
  • Direct administrative activities directly related to making products or providing services.
  • Prepare staff work schedules and assign specific duties.
  • Monitor suppliers to ensure that they efficiently and effectively provide needed goods or services within budgetary limits.

Annual Salary

  • Workers on average earn $49.83/hr. – $103,650 annual.
  • Projected Growth (2019-2029) Faster than average (5%-7%)
  • Projected job openings (2019-2029) 204,400

Required Education

High school diploma/GED, Bachelor’s Degree, Advanced Degree

Local Career Spotlight

Tony Mazzucco

General Manager

During my time at Randolph High School I was involved in Student Council and was a student representative for the School Committee. From that experience I learned how local government and school departments work. I had some great teachers who inspired me to think of where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do.

After high school I went to Massasoit Community College studying business. I received my undergraduate degree in political science, then my Masters in Public Administration from Bridgewater State University. I originally went to school for business, but then I realized I wanted to work for a non-profit or government agency helping people and thereby making a direct impact on their lives.

The life of a town manager is a little different every day. There are lots of meetings and lots of calls. I’m responsible for supervising all the operating departments of the town – Police, Fire, Senior Center, Recreation Department, Light Department, Public Works, Building, Health – and managing those services to carry out our mission to our residents and businesses. The great thing about this job is to see the value of the work you’re doing. Everything you do is helping a community and its people. The challenge is balancing what people want versus what the expectations or the means are. Someone may want a new road, someone might want a new park, someone else may want to save the money. These are all valid options.

In the future I hope to continue providing innovated services for the community of Norwood and in the process mentor others whose career path may lead them into local government.



The Occupational Information Network is a free online database that contains hundreds of occupational definitions to help students.

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The Occupational Outlook Handbook is the government’s premier source of career guidance featuring hundreds of occupations.

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My Next Move is an interactive tool for job seekers and students to learn more about their career options.

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